Company Background

Our founder (Floyd) has been in the cleaning industry since 1978 at the tender age of 15 when he offered to clean the cars in his neighbourhood in Glasgow, UK for pocket money. Floyd then spent 25 years building up an impressive cleaning empire in the UK before moving to Australia in 2003. Settling on the Sunshine Coast (near Brisbane on the southeast coast of Australia), he then purchased a rundown one man business and went straight to work making it what it is today.

Windows and More™ is headquartered on the southeast coast of Australia and is one of Australia’s premier cleaning companies. We have been established since 1997 with rapid growth from 2003. We are committed to reliability and integrity at every level of our company.

Windows and More™ makes a significant contribution by meeting stringent work place health, safety and environmental regulations and by providing specialist professional cleaning services to body corporate Authorities, organisations, commerce and industry. We are an Australian owned business and our focus is on ensuring you get quality service that targets your needs you are paying for. We cover all areas within Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast.

From the moment you say “Yes” our dedicated team members will move straight into action in targeting your requirements and activate the following procedures: written risk assessments will be undertaken before any work is commenced to ensure safety for all while performing our cleaning services. And in case you are wondering how the clean will be carried out, a work method statement will also be provided for that peace of mind. After carrying out our service, we believe you will be impressed. However, a full work report will be written where appropriate – keeping you fully informed.

Although we don’t expect you to dance for joy like Yaahman, we are confident you will be impressed!